Melvin Reginald Mendel

Ministry Employee (CoEC)

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I grew up a half-blood, my mother a muggle, my father a magical pure-blood. Of course, like most of my kind, our muggle parents don't know about Witches and Wizards until the magical kids starting wrecking havoc with their magic out of control. My mother got notified exceptionally late---my two older sisters and one older brother were all muggles! My father was even starting to doubt whether he can produce magical children. After three times of worrying sick about how to explain about a magical kid, he eventually relaxed and settled into knowing there won't be any problems--that's until I came along. That's why you never slack, my dad told me every time I heard the story. He wasn't expecting me to have magical powers, and he certainly wasn't expecting it to be so strong. I had my first magic accident when I was three, earlier than most wizards. Making drain pipes explode isn't the best way to expose my magical abilities to my mother, she was furious that my father hid this from her for...I dunno, twenty years?
They loved each other, and once my mom got over the "ALBERT MENDEL HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME ALL OF THESE FOR TWO DECADES MY CHILDREN COULD HAVE ALL BEEN WITCHES AND WIZARDS WITH POWERS THIS DANGEROUS WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING" part, things went smoothly. She was quite fascinated with what I could do, actually. Turning water into rainbow colored ink isn't something you see a five year old do everyday, is it?
The letter of Hogwarts arrived by owl when I was eleven. I was more than excited, I can tell you. I was bouncing around the house squealing! We went through the same process as my father did when he was eleven---my father was a proud Hufflepuff who had been a Prefect when he was in fifth year. I received a Willow wood, unicorn haired wand for my first--I didn't like the description at the time. I had done some work on the wands, and as far as I knew at the time, Willow was notorious for belonging to timid, insecure owners. But I eventually found that my wand is every bit as powerful as the others, although I lost it in an adventure (involving a certain dragon who burned my wand to ashes.) I later adopted a Pear wood wand with dragon heart string. 13 1/4 inches.
Anyways, I arrived at Hogwarts and during my sorting, became one of the rare "Hatstalls". The Sorting Hat stayed on my head for a good ten minutes, racking it's brain out to decide between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. From what my father told me, this made no sense. The Slytherin qualities were nothing close to the Hufflepuffs. However, the hat eventually made it's choice to make me a badger---I had the best time in Hufflepuff, a constant guest to the house elves in the kitchen. As the house traits is, I worked hard to push my grade up in all the classes, my best class was always charms. The charms fascinated and interested me, so naturally I explored the topic much deeper than the textbooks--I have to admit, even though it's my job to ensure this DOESN'T happen, I do break the rules and use self-invented charms often. Shh...Don't tell, my boss would probably have a stroke.
In my fifth year I became a Prefect, and in my seventh year I got the title of Head Boy. I was indeed proud of my place and took care of my responsibilities as well as I could. I had known where my career will lead ever since I finished my first year, and so weeks before I officially graduated from Hogwarts, I filed applications to the Charms department...and I passed! I suppose Prefect and Head Boy looked good on an application, and my scores of Charms, Transfiguration, and Care of Magical Creatures were all at the top.
Anyways, it had taken a few months of 'rookie' life to get accustomed to my work, and certainly I am still a rookie grade committee...but hey, at least I have my own office now. I am under the Charms Discovery and Experiments team, so naturally all my job is to find new charms, experiment them, explore more possibilities and uses of known charms...I loved it. Now and then I get in trouble with my boss for using self-created charms or other charms that had not passed the Charms Application and Record team's test, but nothing big enough to get me fired.
As part of the experimental charms committee, I discovered and learned more things in a few months than my seven years at Hogwarts, illegal and legal charms, different twists and tricks you can add to them, what wand and what sort of surroundings work best with the charms...I found at least five or six hundred new charms and counter charms! As an eighteen year old wizard (who is finally able to experiment at home without violating the under-age magic restriction...) I consider myself quite successful. Now, the introduction is done, I'll excuse myself for now... I just need a few minutes to explain to my boss, about the 'flower-smelled fart' charm that I set off in a co-worker's office to experiment...heck, it's my job. I just happened to set it off at the wrong place by accident.

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