Cecilia Rose

House Ghost

Hello!! I'm a huge pot head! Oops! I meant Potterhead! Loved it since the 1st movie! Snape is my hero! I'd Die Hard for this man! I Love Actually him!

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I am from a small town next to a big city. I am half-blood witch. My parents were muggles but my grandmother is a witch & my grandfather a wizard. Me & Ann, one of my two sisters are also witches. Full of hatred fuled by jealousy of this discovery, my parents & my oldest sister, Marie, left & vowed to never return.
Ann was two years older than I & when she became a student was sorted into Ravenclaw just as my grandfather. Both are very soft spoken & good hearted. When it was my turn, I was quite the hatstall. The Sorting hat knew that I wanted to be with my sister in Ravenclaw House. However, the way I carried myself made my grandmother, the Sorting hat, & quite frankly even myself believe that I would be sorted into Slytherin House. My grandfather insisted as soon as I was born that I was going to be in Griffindor & through all of my grandmother's objections he never stopped telling me that I had the brave heart of a true Gryffindor just like my grandmother. The Sorting Hat saw a passion to prove myself. Ironically, all I wanted in life was to make a difference in the division of people & I wasn't afraid of discouragement. I asked The Sorting Hat to put me in whichever house he believed would help me on the way to greatness. This is why I was sorted into Griffindor. I quickly realized that I was not going to fit in well. My features are dark naturally & I tend to accessorize with black. My fellow Gryffindor girls wear headbands & ponytails. Meanwhile I have gawdy cursed jewelry & black nails. While everyone in the castle wore the black uniform shoes, I would only wear heels. I learned a camouflage spell so that no one can see them but me. This also secretly added a couple of inches to my height. My sister Ann never was feminine. She would brush her teeth & hair to get ready for the day. We were complete opposites but it never kept us from having fun. We were always laughing together. It wasn't easy for either of us to make friends so we were just best friends.
Her favorite classes were transfiguration, divination, & most importantly the study of magical creatures. She absolutely dreaded defense against the dark arts which happened to become my specialty. Potions class was amazing to me. My grandmother used to be a herbology professor & my grandfather a potions professor, which is how they met. Living in the country it was easy to stay under the radar performing magic daily without having to worry about muggles seeing. They taught Ann & I everything they knew as soon as we started showing signs of magic abilities as children. We could easily participate in most everything since neither required a wand for much. We learned how to grow mandrakes, which venomous tentacula leaves are ripe to collect, & correct potion testing techniques.
I hated attending my history of muggles class. Having lived with Marie. My greatest weakness in fact, is that I don't know the value of family since my parents left w my sister. But my greatest strength is knowing that you can be different & choose your own family through people you learn to love. My dream when as a little girl was to grow up & raise a big family. To never let anyone feel like they don't matter. Muggle or not. I didn't care what my job was going to be as long as I had lots of loved ones to love me back. My other best friend was my little black cat, Ronnie. A female short haired tortoise shell. She was extremely aggressive to everyone & anyone that wasn't me. She followed me everywhere & even slept at my feet at night.
One bittersweet day, Ann came to me & confessed of having sexual relations with a creepy, large 8th year that got expelled for turning some of his house mates into fish & throwing them into the Black Lake amongst the terrifying creatures of the dark waters. Having spent more time with them, she wanted our parents to be a part of her baby's life. We both knew our grandparents didn't have much time left & she didn't want her child growing up without that love we had become accustomed to. She wanted this so bad & I knew I had to do something. I was well aware they wanted nothing to with us because we lived in a world of magic that they could only get so close to. It was easily described as them trying to catch the wind while we could control it. But I thought, "what if they could do magic too?"
So I came up with a plan. The potions professor rarely leaves the dungeons so I had to come up with a way to keep him away long enough for me to create a muggle-to-magic-potion. During his lesson I took out a piece of parchment & wrote down "meet at quidditch pitch tonight at 11:00pm" & I crumbled it up & left it on the floor just next to the cauldron stations. I knew he would read it when he found it because he doesn't have a history of keeping his abnormally large nose out of others people's business. So that night I snuck out of Gryffindor Tower with Ronnie trailing close behind & together we made our way to the dungeons in search of the potions classroom. I knew Professor Snape would be patrolling the castle grounds looking for the students the note was to & from to send to detention so he wouldn't be near his classroom. I was never scared of the dungeons even at night. I truly loved the eerie damp corridor with it's cement walls & the sound of dripping water always in the distance. I arrived in the dimly lit corridor & It was time for me to create the potion that would make my muggle family members magical too so we could be together for the new addition. I had no intentions of sharing or selling my potion. I only wanted to use it once for my family. I had used my experience & knowledge from my grandparents to brew up something fierce. It was a beautiful sparkley shade of grey. I held up the spoon to Ronnie & she lapped it up. She began floating which scared her. Meowing & frantically trying to reach the floor she began shooting a cross the room. With every tail whip a bolt of what seemed to be blue lightening bolted out & shattered an entire wall of ingredients. She flew into a shelf behind me that knocked shaved unicorn horn into my potion. Immediately it turned a blood red & exploded. We both were enveloped by the flames & killed instantly. The next thing I remember was watching Professor Snape walk in the door. He saw me shimmering white with rainbow coloring, like opal with a beautiful mist of an aura that replaced every inch of my human body. I was floating & holding Ronnie whose mesmerizing new appearance matched mine. We were hovering over two piles of ash. He fled to wake the headmaster. I explained what I was doing in the dungeons in the first place. He was very empathetic to my situation & when I told him that I had actually made a potion that makes non magic folk magical, his empathy turned into amazement. Right then he offered me a home in the castle & a job assisting Professor Snape during class & tutoring students after class.
I gave up on my family being together & started focusing on friendships of the lives of people I love. Soon after, I decided to sell my potion & started a charity that sets up bank accounts at Gringotts Bank of Witches & Wizards with a generous amount of money that helps pay for all students school supplies, uniforms, & whatever else they may need or want for school. Having been drawn to students who were outcasts like me, I became a mother figure to Slytherin House. Having been cold on the outside & comforting on the inside I gained their respect & love. I was invited to be the Slytherin House Ghost after the original was accepted into the Headless Hunt. In doing so I made my dream come true. Teaching my house the value of others, no matter if the person was pure blood or took my potion to be here. That everyone deserves to be accepted & celebrated for being who they want to be.
Ann had her daughter & was even able to continue at Hogwarts because she now has a Nanny that lives at the school. So my chance at a big family with lots of love & support was not crushed that day or ever. Now I am an example that happiness can be found in even the darkest of places. If only one remembers to turn on the light.

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