Althea Ariti


1st year Hufflepuff willing to make friends with anyone no matter the house! I love drawing, painting, cooking, and charms class!!

  • Joined December 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 30 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


(First year) I never understood what it was that always made strange things happen around me. Some of these occasions were just too miraculous to explain as anything other than magic. When I turned 10 my family moved to London since my dad got an amazing job opportunity there. Though I had to leave my friends, I felt that this move was going to be something great. A year later, and a week before my birthday, a strange visitor arrived at our door. It was a woman with her hair in a tight bun and wearing these strange robes. Professor McGonagall, which was her name, told me and my parents that I was a witch. A WITCH! It was unbelievable but it explained every weird and freaky thing I had done in my life. She even showed us some of her magic! After she gave me my letter she took us to a place called Diagon Alley; an insanely cool place right behind a pub. We went to numerous shops and got everything I would need to start at Hogwarts: the school I was going to to learn magic and the one Professor M. worked at. I even got my own wand! It is a wand made from Hornbeam, with a core of Dragon Heartstring. Mr. Ollivander told me that "it's a powerful implement that bonds to its first user, taking on their moral code as well as being useless in the hands of anyone else. It is a wand for someone who knows themselves very well. Its sentience is obvious to anyone that handles it, particularly the witch or wizard that it makes a life connection with. While this could be used for evil, it seems more likely to be used for good." Which is really cool! My wand is like the Watson to my Sherlock Holmes. On the first of September we set off to Kings Cross and I was on the way to the journey of a lifetime...

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