Kireina-thea Emyrs Galdur


  • Joined November 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


"What Hogwarts House were you sorted into, and why did the Sorting Hat make that selection?"
Slytherin. While the Sorting Hat agreed with me that a good Snake would go anywhere but, it decided that my presence in the House would change more than if I wasn't.

Were you a hatstall (where it took the Sorting Hat a long time to decide) or was the decision immediate? Hat-stall

What classes do (or did) you like the most?
Tied for 1st are Runes and Arithmancy (I can modify existing spells or create my own!). Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, DADA (which I think should really be called 'Defensive Magic'), Herbology (Come now....plants to cure, kill, and *wreck* you), CoMC (got to love the beasties of the world)

Which did you like the least?
History of Magic (more happened than just all things goblin) and Divination (useless unless you have even a modicum of the Sight, which is why I dropped it an hour in)

Any classes you did well in but didn’t particularly enjoy?
History of Magic (not like it's that hard to get anything but an O)

Are you a muggleborn, a half-blood or pureblood?
I am a proud pureblood

How has your blood status affected your life in the Wizarding World?
My fellow purebloods leave me be, the half-bloods leave me be for the most part, and the muggleborn leave me be up until one of the other purebloods decides to act like an inbred fool and besmirch our blood-class.

If you were in the UK during either time He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, what was that like?
Life was not safe. Friend could and would turn on friend. Your blood-class, station, job, friends...nothing and no one could help you. All you could do was to amass as much power (*all* things magical and otherwise) and pray to all you believe in that it was enough. Much of the time you were pulled in several directions at once, doing what you had to to survive. The world was not a place where one could have much of a heart.

What is your greatest strength?
My ingenuity. It allowed me to gather power, information, allies, and supplies...all while maintaining two separate identities. My public face and my Secret face (this is the one I used so that my actions were never traced back to me).

More importantly, what is your greatest weakness?
The love I held for those I considered my friends and family. Love is a valuable weapon.

What are you looking to do after you finish school?
I will travel and gain masteries where I choose. I will likely become something like an Unspeakable and Hit Witch at some point.

If you’ve graduated, have you found your dream job? Oh *yes*...

What do you feel is the most fascinating aspect of magic?
That it can do absolutely *anything*. You need only just the right way of going about it. Nothing and no one can stand in my way wielding magic as I do.

Do you want to use magic to help others, or to further your own ends?
I suppose that I should say both...

If you are being honest with yourself, what do you really want?
I want what I want when I want it, but have the presence of mind to know that it may take time to get what I want and that it will be that much more delicious when I get it.

Do you have any pets?
Yes, several

What’s their name, and how do they act?
I'll tell you the name of one. Chess, he certainly lives up to his namesake (who was the creation of squib)
Is there anything interesting about your family?
I have none left, biologically. I do, however, have a few that are as good as blood. They are not all human.

Any oddities or disagreements?
Like I said, they are not all human so there are several oddities. Disagreements? Naturally. That is part of what families do.
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