Cassandra Athans


My Biggest Question: How soon can I take my OWLs?

  • Joined November 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 48 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


I'm a first year in Ravenclaw. I'm muggle-born, but I am said to be the smartest in my year. When I'm not studying, I'm usually reading, or watching quidditch. I've already read all the books for 3rd Year (I borrowed them off a friend and am now on to 4th year. I love DADA, it is so interesting. I am doing a great course at the moment on it, and I really love that you can learn with- Sorry. I go on a bit. I really love the Quibbler, I don't believe it, of course, but it is very interesting. Do you think I should take Muggle-Studdies? It would be interesting from a wizards point of view.

Books Authored by Cassandra Athans

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