Reut tonex

Metamorphmagus and Student

Hey, my name is reut tonex !

  • Joined November 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Israel


My name is reut tonex.
I'm 17 years old, and I'm a student in this school.
I have a special ability to change the look of my body or hair and face, This ability is called Metamorphmagus And it's genetic.
You must have heard of my aunt Nymphadora tonex, She is one of the most Famous Metamorphmagus.
She sacrificed her life in the war against Voldemort I was 7 years old when she Dead.
We were very closet, We like to change our look together and i miss her a lot.
Me and my cousin ted are they onliy Metamorphmagus that laft in our Family.
I have never Met anybody like us, i start wonder if there laft any more Metamorphmagus in the world Except us.

I am an activist against slavery of the elves, last week i was in protest For the release of the elves, i go to a protest like this every Weekend. Sometimes I am the one that organize them.

I' m dating whit my girlfriend over more than a year we love and trust one another a lot.
My girlfrinend have a secret (for they originol one of you, not that secret it's not that she a lesbian). My girlfrined secret is that she is not onliy a witch, her mom is a witch but her foder is a Cantor. Every evening when the san go down she change her shape from a normal witch in to a Cantor, at the morning she tern bake to be a witch. What she is, is a very rare think who called an half cantor.
When she signed up to hogworts, macgonagol help her hide the fact that she is an half cantor.
In her bed a secret passage was built leading to the forbidden forest so when the san go donw she went in to her bed and move in to the forbidden forest, there she go to sleep whit a Pack of cantor's.

We feel very Close to each other Because we both A rare case, perhaps one of is kind.
Harry my cousin ted godfather told me and ted that when is father and my uncle remus lopin were a Children, His father changed his shape to a deer So he could be with Uncle Remus in a full moon while Uncle Remus became a wer wolf. That story gave me and my girlfrined inspiration, so in the night i chang my Legs
And i look like a cantor, so me and my girlfriend are now Traveling in the Forbidden Forest at night's. They other cantor's know I'm not a realy cantor but the are not mad it's actually make them laugh. Thay even help me and lornd me who to predict the future in the cantor's ways.

I like to stady history and predict the future in this school, and I'm realy good at it profesor troleny and prynza say i'm a Natural talent.

I also very like animal's, I'm vegan for the last 3 year's and Vegetarian since i was 12 yers old.
My favorite hobby is to play with my owl,
One time i even hugged a dragon.

One day i went to Travel arond the world and look for other Metamorphmagus, i know they up there, they have to de, a lot of pepole think we are extinct, Or that onliy me and my cousin remained.I admit I sometimes think so too.
But we must not lost hope that we will find other Metamorphmagus.

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