Manya Bindal


A Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff spirit!

  • Joined October 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 37 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


I am of Indian origin, but my parents shifted to UK when I was 10 years old. My parents are muggles. I was already having problems in adjusting to the Muggle UK life when a man in strange looking attire showed up at our doorstep and told us that I was a witch. It took about 8 weeks to convince my parents, and my mother was still reluctant. I was a hatstall, I wanted Hufflepuff even though I knew it'd be Ravenclaw. My Ravenclaw side was just a bit more than my Hufflepuff side. I have a barn owl, Hoot, who is just a few weeks old. I am interested in knowing more and more about magic, while not losing touch with the muggles world. My dream job was writing, until I found out that I was a witch. I still want to write, but I want it to include magic. Charms is my best subject. I like Potions as well, it is like a magic equivalent of Chemistry. I am interested in knowing more about Squibs, I feel pity for them. I think I will write about muggles things in the wizarding world, for example: muggle-borns' POV of wizarding world, new muggles inventions, tips for better hiding from muggles, stories set in my homeland India. I also want to write about Squibs, etc.

Wand: 14½ inches, English Oak Wood, Unicorn hair core with a Surprisingly swishy flexibility
Parents: Muggles, dad has a small business, mum is a stay-at-home parent.
Siblings: none, though there is a cousin who is more like a sibling to me.
Pets: Hoot, a baby barn owl.
Boggart: death of a loved one
Hair: Black with a brownish tinge, straight but often tangled
Eyes: Black

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