Luna Crawford


  • Joined September 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 74 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Despite her cute, delicate appearance, Luna is a sarcastic, cynical, and prideful girl who is easily made angry or upset. She hates when people point out her height. Despite her tendency to be aggressive, she is actually a kind person, especially to people she trusts. She is extremely loyal, too, as she is willing to fight tooth and nail to protect her loved ones. She is not afraid to speak her mind and is often considered foul-mouthed because of her somewhat rude attitude toward people and lack of social skills.
Height: 4'8"
Eyes: Bright blue
Weight: 84 lbs
Gender: Female
Hair: Straight, down to the small of her back.
Hair color: Very light blonde
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Relationship status: Single
Wand: Spruce wood, dragon heartstring core, 13 3/4 in length, hard flexibility.
Patronus: Hippogriff
Pet: Siamese cat
House: Griffindor
Fears: Luna is afraid of the dark, rejection, and spiders.

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