Valerie Pond


  • Joined September 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I kiss girls too, is that a problem?

Hey! I'm Val. A sassy Hufflepuff (we aren't all sickeningly kind), whose best friends are normally Slytherins. I'm not restricted, obviously - all houses are amazing! I'm really clumsy and awkward at times, but my friends bring out the best in me!
I love to study, and if anyone needs a helping hand I'm here (even if it takes all night)! I'm not great at all subjects, but I'll always try my best (and be super proud if I get a good grade) but whatever happens, happens.
My favourite colour is actually yellow, though. My favourite subject is Potions, but I love Transfiguration too. Food is my best friend, thank you very much.
I have strong beliefs and opinions, known to get into arguments if you also have such a personality. But if you're my friend I'll still love you and apologise first - after a while of feeling guilty.
Will be found in the common room by the fire in an oversized jumper gossiping with my friends or cuddled up reading in the library, or possibly exploring every nook and cranny of Hogwarts.
I love to read and write - spending time with my friends is a must to survive! I love cookies, and will often sneak to the kitchens - lucky my Hufflepuff dorm is pretty close to it, and ask my favourite house elf (Minnie) to make me some of her special hot cocoa.

My Patronus is a Russian blue cat and my wand is a Silver lime wood with unicorn hair core, 13 and 3/4 inch and quite bendy flexibility xo

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