Amelia Sophie White


  • Joined July 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


My full name is Amelia Sophie White, and my birthday is the 16th of August. I'm a second-year at Hogwarts, in Gryffindor. My twin, Lillie Rose White, is also in Gryffindor. My wand is alder wood with dragon heartstring core, 12 3/4" and it's perfectly suited to me. My Patronus is a falcon. When I grow up I want to be an Auror.

We're currently 12 years old, and our current look (We're Metamorphagi) is very long, wavy red hair, fair skin, incredibly blue eyes, although we do have to wear glasses, and (unfortunately we can't change the size) tiny hands and feet. We’re not that graceful (Bit like Tonks!).

Lillie’s the younger twin by nine minutes, and I do prefer being the older one. Neither of us are really people-y people, as we prefer to sit down with a nice book to read, a warm fluffy couch and hot chocolate!

We're a bit short, our family sometimes calls us elves. We're both surprisingly slim, given that we eat an insane amount of junk food - Chocolate Frogs are my favourite!. My boyfriend, Charlie Meadows, and I have a long-term relationship. Lillie dates his twin, James. They're also in Gryffindor.

We are sort of Muggle-born, sort of half-blood, because our mum is somewhere between a Muggle and a Squib. We’re also Metamorphagi, it passed down through my mum's line. Our maternal grandparents knew we were witches but Dad, being a Muggle and all, was very confused when we got our letters.

My sister and I were offered a place at Beauxbatons and we really did want to go but our French is awful - Nous ne parlons pas trés bien français! So we accepted our place at Hogwarts, and to be honest we absolutely love it! It's quite different to life back in NZ, but since we moved to London, we’ve made new friends and even met Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Harry!!!! Of course, we both dropped down dead, but the funniest part of meeting them was Harry's and Ron's faces as we ran straight to Hermione and Ginny, completely ignoring them until we said a quick 'hello' then went back to the girls.

We're both in Gryffindor, but the Hat took a long time to decide. I wanted to be in Gryffindor all along and I also asked the Hat to make sure Lillie was put with me, because we've never been apart before. It chuckled before shouting “GRYFFINDOR!” to the Great Hall. I welcomed the Hat's decision, because to be honest - it was the one I’d hoped and dreamed about!

Our dorm room is the same one Hermione had, and in some places, you can still see Crookshanks' claw marks or Hermione's splattered ink from thoroughly done homework.

My favourite subjects are Charms, Transfiguration, or Defence Against The Dark Arts. Care of Magical Creatures is pretty cool but to be honest I'm a little in awe of the bigger creatures.

I absolutely adore Hogwarts, and so does my twin sister. :)

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