Owen Trevelyan

Student (Younger)

• Owen Trevelyan, 11, Half-blood, Wand: Cedar wood with a Phoenix feather core 12 ½" and Reasonably Supple flexibility, Ravenclaw, Patronus: Occamy •

  • Joined July 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 8 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Czech Republic


Hi! I'm Owen, Owen Trevelyan. A half-blood. My father, Ulricht Trevelyan, he's the muggle and as for my mother, Vivienne Ollivander, she's a witch. Ah yes, my mom's an Ollivander. She's one of the granddaughters of the infamous wand maker, Garrick Ollivander, and that'll make me his great grandson. Sweet right? The Trevelyans hails from Czechia, and they're not all muggles like everyone thought so. Some Trevelyans are wizards and witches too but, they prefer to be on low-profile to avoid scandals and gossips. My dad met my mom during the Triwizard Tournament when it was held in France, at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. They ran into each other when my mom was riding her broomstick and fell to the shop my dad was working at part-time. Wait, why talk about my parents? It's about me!

Anyways, I would love to be an Auror and/or a spell researcher one day. That's what I'm always dreaming about. You know that feeling, to fight bad guys and stuff, and to create or produce something that you made or named after yourself? Ooh! I also have this idea, that instead of wands to cast spells and stuff, why not daggers? Sounds awesome right? I always have this fondness with knives and daggers, I dunno why. Furthermore, I had that idea when my mom took me to great grandfather Garrick's wand shop at Diagon Alley, and spent some time with him as he do his usual stuff, make wands! And when I told great grandpa Garrick about it, he just laughed and said that, it's really one crazy idea and it's neither possible and impossible. It may seem to be but no, I won't lose hope. I know it can be possible. I'll show great grandpa. I'm not going to compete with his business tho. And by the way, I'm great grandfather Garrick's apprentice now. Isn't that great! Haha!

Oh yeah I almost forgot, I am classmates with Albus Potter by the way but, we're from different houses. He's sorted to Slytherin and I, to Ravenclaw. Both of us have been a hatstall during our sorting ceremony. The Sorting Hat had a hard time deciding for both of us. I would love to be friends with him y'know? But, he seems to get along with Scorpius more than any of us in the class. Anyhow, my mother told me plenty of things about the Potter family, and also about Mr. Harry Potter's friends. Mom also told me what happened when You-Know-Who attacked and caused death and destruction at Hogwarts. It's really quite frightening when I first heard it from mom but, as the days passes by, it made me realize. That there's no time to be idle and sitting around. For we never know when will someone like You-Know-Who may appear. That's why, before even the classes has started, I am already working on the prototype of my "Project: Magical Daggers". Can't wait to test it when it is done and someday, be known with it throughout the wizarding world.
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