
Student Journalist

  • Joined June 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Although I am still just a student at Hogwarts, I realize that the Wizarding World is much bigger than what is behind the walls at Hogwarts. Although I started reporting on just the Quidditch games, seeing as I love the sport, I soon got interested in events going on in the Wizarding World. I began investigating events going on at school, hopefully preparing for a life of investigative journalism once I leave school. As an editor for the school paper, and a muggle born, I also realized the importance of none muggle borns knowing what is going on in the muggle world as well, so I now head the muggle news section of the school paper, reporting on what is going on in the muggle world.

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