Hermione Lupin

First Year, Werewolf

  • Joined June 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 17 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Hi, I'm Hermione Lupin. I'm a First Year Gryffindor, One, because nearly all my family are Gryffindor's, and I'm good at standing up to people. Yes, I was a hatstall, because the sorting hat nearly put me in all the other houses. It Started with Slytherin, then after a minute, It started on Ravenclaw. then after Half a minute It said Hufflepuff would be a good match, then finally, I went on about Gryffindor for at least three minutes, then shouted Gryffindor, missing Slytherin by an Inch. I love Defence against the Dark Arts, and Charms, I like Transfiguration and I suppose Potions is ok too. I hate Herbology, and absolutely despise Astronomy, but I still listen because I want to get loads of O.W.Ls. ? I'm a Half-blood, I think, because My Dads Mom was a muggle and his Father was a wizard and My Moms Dad was a muggle - born and Her Mom was a witch, but my mom and dad are a wizard and witch. My Greatest Strength is Probably Magical Creatures, because my Dad and his Dad worked with them, and Flying, because nearly al of my brothers are in the Quiddich Team. I want to work with Magical Creatures when I graduate, or an Auror. The most fascinating aspect of Magic is Transfiguration or the Partronus Charm and Boggart - Banishing Charm. I have a Family dog Called Pebbles, She has a speciality in biting peoples ankles of, but she's not magical. I also have my own owl, Called Fred, after my brother. My family is made up but who cares, I have 14 Siblings. Fred and George don't die (Fred dosent) and are still in school. neither do Tonks and Lupin, Harry and Ron are still in school so is Ginny. My dad and Mom are Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin. My eldest Brother (who is graduated) Is Percy Lupin. Then Bill Lupin and Charlie Lupin, who are also graduated. Then Fred and George (6th Year). Teddy Lupin (5th Year) Ron and Harry are my cousins (also first year) My Twin sister Ginny Lupin is also in first Year, then theirs Albus Lupin, Lilly Lupin, and James Lupin, who are triplets and their all 6 years old. Then Tonks and Remus Jr are twins and are one year olds.

Books Authored by Hermione Lupin

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