According to the Sorting Hat, my allegiances definitely lie with Gryffindor due to my passion for adventure, excitement and new experiences.
- Joined May 2017
- Member of Gryffindor
- 33 House Points
- 1st Year
My allegiances definitely lie with Gryffindor, but Slytherin may be a better fit for me than I'd originally think. My passion for adventure, excitement and new experiences means that Gryffindor is the perfect place for me. I am fiercely loyal to my closest friends - sometimes even to a fault - and the recklessness and optimism that comes with being a Gryffindor combined with the ambition of Slytherin will ensure that I go far in like, according to the Sorting Hat.My slight compatibility with Ravenclaw house hints at an appreciation for knowledge and wisdom, thought they are not priorities for me.