

  • Joined May 2017
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Sweden


(Younger Student) When I received my Hogwarts Letter that faithful day, I wasn't surprised, my parents wasn't wizards but my aunt was and she always told me that she saw the magic in me.
After i got my letter my older sister Hanna told me she was a witch too but she wasn't allowed to tell her before.
The thing that surprised me was when I was sorted into hufflepuff.
I never saw myself as a kind and happy person but after a while I understood why I was sorted into Hufflepuff,
Because even if I wasn't a very kind person all the time I really wanted to be and it was a trait I really valued.

Me and my older sister now own a little shop with magical plants and creatures.
I've always been interested in all the living creatures and plants that lives among us.
My sister always brought home different magical creatures and showed me how to train and handle them.
My favorite color is yellow and blood red because when I'm happy I always think of yellow but when I feel cold and angry I always think of blood red.

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