Nyeta Abdulov

Priestess of the Great Goddess

One day the Great Goddess will return, and when she does, all who do not serve her will be struck from the earth.

  • Joined May 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


When I was fourteen, I was expelled from Koldovstoretz for performing a sacrifice to honor the Great Goddess. I ran away from Russia, and Hogwarts took me in. I was sorted into Ravenclaw and grew smarter; I began to cover my tracks better, and none of my further sacrifices were found out. My fellow disciples of the Great Goddess and I disappeared from the Ministry's radar into a forest to build a temple. There are fourteen of us; the perfect number for all enchantments, summonings, and spells. We sacrifice whatever - and whoever - is right for the Great Goddess, and we all await her return. The Great Goddess is many things, but kind is not one of them. She invented torture, and others' pain brings her pleasure. As such, we inflict pain upon those who insult her, and know that it pleases her, wherever she is. As her disciples, we are gifted with the control of fire; however, every priestess is forbidden to use a wand once they join the temple. The wards around the temple are absolute; only those who possess the symbol of our Goddess (http://shadowhunters.com/wp-content/themes/sh2015/images/runes/Agony.png)) on their body can enter. All fourteen of us have the symbol tattooed onto our shoulder blades. We reside in the forest, and any who trespass meet... unfortunate ends.

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