Do not walk the halls at night; for monsters lurk in every crevice and corner. I do not go by my first name, thus you shall call me Whicker.
- Joined March 2017
- Member of Slytherin
- 8 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Unspeakable, what I do. I shan't tell one, nor any living soul of my deeds in the Ministry.My mum was a witch, and my father muggle. My father was a proud man, and once my mum had told him about her being a magical-folk, he was furious. He had left my mum and I, and we had to fight together in this unforgiving world.
I became a Slytherin in Hogwarts, I still recall the mischief I spread across the school. The old hat could not decide whether Ravenclaw, or Slytherin would do. I decided to pip in and tell him my opinion, but the stubborn hat would not listen. Thus, the hat and I argued for what seemed like forever; and finally he had chosen Slytherin.
At my years in Hogwarts, I had excelled in each one of my classes, though I had taken Astronomy and History of Magic to be quite interesting. I found Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology to be quite bland. But I do remember my years as the Slytherin chaser, and I do often miss my flying ages.
The war seemed to be a blur to me, and I'm beyond relived; I don't want to think about it anyways. My scars are enough to remind me of how much I lost. My mother had to be the flower that was plucked from the garden. I still get my mum her favorite white begonias whenever I have the time.
I suppose I am my greatest strength, and the ones I love are my greatest weakness. I'm weary of falling in love; I don't ever want to loose them, I've lost too many friends and family.
After the war, I don't know what I have been doing. Although I may have a splendid job, I feel like I'm missing something, and I don't know what. I'm betting I'll find it soon. Or it'll find me.
I've never had a pet before; when I was younger I couldn't afford one, and to this day I respect my mother and keep myself away from household pets.
My family was made up of my father, mother and I. Father left, mother died. I am just an orphan, but I'll manage. Everyone ends up orphaned somehow. What really matters is how you spend your little time with your parents.
Anyhow, that was me; and me is all I shall ever be. So don't expect me to change. Unless I've fallen in love. Love does mad things to your brain. Now I'm just rambling.