

  • Joined March 2017
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hello, My name is Levi and I come from a pureblood family of Slytherins. When I got my letter my mother couldnt be more excited to take me to diagon alley to get my supplys, although my mother was happy, my father couldnt be more pressuring. He kept lecturing me on how to act around my teachers and basically told me if I got any house other than slytherin he would disown me. I obviously got slytherin, I also ended up taking my snowy owl named Moon with me. Now I am in my fifth year here at hogwarts, I became a prefect and I play Quidditch for my house (I'm the seeker). I've also made alot of friends here and I am starting to get used to life here. If I had to choose my favorite class would be potions, surprissingly Proffesor Snape actually likes me!

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