Lyra Denver


Hi its Lyra! I'm 14, love my tawney owl Twilight, am obsessed with wandlore (my current wand I made myself), and also love writing. Hope to chat soon!

  • Joined January 2017
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 29 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hi there! I'm Lyra Denver, a 14-year-old muggle-born and proud Ravenclaw, although the sorting hat considered me in Slytherin. My favorite classes are definitely potions and charms. I like transfiguration too, but I'm not very good. My least favortie class is history of magic, but I surprisingly have never failed. Many people think its rough being a muggle-born but I personally think its so great to live in both worlds, a kind of bridge between muggle and wizards. My parents are American No-Majs (muggles), and although Lord Voldemort gave them quite a scare, they were pretty much not affected. There are some pure-blood supremacists still around, but if they think that their blood is what makes them magical, then they don't know the first thing about how magic passes through the generations. (It's through a magical gene, not magic blood). My greatest strength is probably sensitivity towards others, but my greatest weakness is that I too greatly value mine and others privacy, feelings, and preferences. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet, but I think I want to write novels and be a wandmaker. The most fascinating aspect of magic to me is wandlore, and hence one of the careers I would consider. Honestly, all I really want at this point in my life is to pass my OWLs. I have a perfect tawney owl named Twilight, and recently adopted a jobberknoll named Opal from the MC Team! (Go support them!) I've got to run to class now, don't want to be late!
- Lyra

Wand - 12 inches, sycamore with unicorn core
Blood status - muggle born
Hogwarts House - Ravenclaw
Ilvermorney House - Thunderbird
Patronus - Silver Fox
Favorite place in Hogwarts - either Ravenclaw tower or the lake!

Books Authored by Lyra Denver

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