Eddie Goobs


#singlepringle #Squidgyforpresident #stayalive I-/ :)

  • Joined January 2017
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


My name is Eddie goobs and I'm Bi-gender (although sometimes I'm a wolf).
I am not only a wizard but I'm a child of Apollo and a Mutant. I love reading Comic books and SuperWhoLock stuff XD
I'm also a sarcastic little shit that love rock and roll (Slipknot, Korn, FFDP) and what most would label EMO ( PTV, BVB, OM&M ,SWS and the ever awesome MCR)
my nickname are: moose, Gooby, weirdo, Sir bad-ass, The great Goobs, Doctor Funnybone and the every so popular Special Ed.
I you are homophobic, trans-phobic ECT do not follow me and go choke on glitter.
and now for my role play character stuff
*clears throat* I'm an avid skateboarder and am a bit of a rebel and can be a little reckless.
I'm 5'6 and have brown eye and with bronze/brown hair
I'm pretty quiet and shy but once you get to know me I'm an ball energy.
I have a bit of a temper and will fight you if you hurt my friends and I'm known for being a tomboy
I love animals but mostly other peoples XD
I prank people and hate it when anyone is hurting or having a bad day
(sorry I know my grammar is terrible XD)
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