Hardwin Potter II

Department of Games and Sports

  • Joined December 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


In 2045 I graduated from Hogwarts. I was a Gryffindor through and through. The sorting hat didn't even need a second to decide. In my time at Hogwarts, Charms was my favourite class. I wanted to use charms to better understand brooms. I'm a pureblood, my mother is Alice Longbottom II. Daughter of war hero Neville Longbottom and my father is James Potter II son of Harry Potter. Because of my love of sports I had a brief stint playing quidditch for the Appleby Arrows before becoming the Head of Department of Magial Games and Sports.

Books Authored by Hardwin Potter II

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