Joshua LeBoeuf

Hufflepuff Student

  • Joined December 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I never really knew I was from a magical family. KInda lived in a broken home for the majority of my childhood. As I grew, I started noticing things weren't that normal about me, like how when I was scared things would shake, or how I often thought I heard animals talking about me when I went to the park to get away from the folks. Things just weren't the norm for me, and my family saw that too. They eventually came out and told me that I was adopted, that my family was from Ireland, and that I had a father and mother that had loved me before they died. They didn't know how to explain their deaths when I asked them to. I eventually got a letter with a wax seal, which I shortly found out to be the crest of the school of Hogwarts. I don't know much about magic, and have lots to learn. All I know is that when I'm stressed, bad things tend to happen.. I tend to be very relaxed and at ease around all kinds of people, and don't like trouble, unless it be to better myself and others. I'm a musician, and have been playing stringed instruments of various types for about six years. I have a lot going for me here at Hogwarts, and hope to become someone that I couldn't in the Muggle world.

Books Authored by Joshua LeBoeuf

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