
Third Year Beater

  • Joined December 2016
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Canada


I am in Slytherin. The sorting hat made me a hatstall because I could have been in any of the houses: I am stupidly brave, fiercely loyal, horribly smart and terribly ambitious. I love Care of Magical Creatures (CoMC) and Transfiguration, and am decent in Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA). I really hate History of Magic, even though it's quite interesting, it's just hard to pay attention when Professor Binns is just rambling in such a monotone voice, right? I did well in Potions but it wasn't my favorite because the Professor isn't terribly nice to us muggleborns. Yeah, I'm muggleborn, but I have some pureblood friends who, despite their family's beliefs, stuck by me when others didn't. A lot of people shunned me at Hogwarts because of my blood status, but I made the best of it. (And got back at them: I am like the best prankster at Hogwarts because no one suspects me and I never get caught.) I was not yet born in the time Voldemort rose into power, but my uncle, who was a muggleborn as well, died during the Battle of Hogwarts. He was just an underaged Ravenclaw, and he fought bravely during the second wizarding war. My greatest strength is to see past the stereotypes. In my third year, I met a young, nervous, first year Scorpius Malfoy. My friends told me not to go near him because he was evil, but I remember my first train ride when the older Slytherins picked on me because I was muggleborn, so I gave him a chance: He didn't disappoint. My weakness is trust. I trust people when I shouldn't and it leads me to my downfall. I am going to be a magizoologist: someone who studies magical beasts, like Newt Scamander: author of Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. The most fascinating aspect of this wizarding world that I am so new to are the creatures. They are wonders by themselves, and the magic that I didn't know about until I joined Hogwarts, I mean... I use my magic to help others if I can, but I do help myself a lot. If I looked into the mirror of Erised (Desire) I don't know what I would see. Maybe equality? That's important to me because us muggleborns are almost always treated inferior to the purebloods. Or maybe fame, I really don't know. I have a black kneazle, (Big magical cat with lion tail and huge ears) named Emma, because of her huge Emerald eyes (Come on, I was eleven when I named her!) My grandparents, on my dad's side, were muggles, and they had two boys, my dad and my uncle. My uncle was a wizard, before he died in the second wizarding war, and now, my brother isn't magical, but I am! My dad didn't want me going to Hogwarts, because he thought I would die there, like his brother, but finally agreed to let me go, as I am there right now. I never really made any good friends at Hogwarts, until third year, now I'm friends with first year Albus Potter, Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy, and second year James Potter (I still need to get him back for turning my hair green for a month! I mean, come on... That was embarrassing!!)

Books Authored by Madeleine

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