Violet Salinger


Student at Hogwarts, House Ravenclaw

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Indonesia


Violet is the only child in the family of muggle parents whom separated when she was one year old. She is an Indonesian-born Chinese, whom great grandparents emigrated from the Minnan province in China in the early 1920s. In her early childhood she followed her mother to come to the United Kingdom in hope for a better living, and was it not only it turned better, but also magical when she received her letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Violet descended magical powers from his late grandfather, who happened to lived in secret along with muggles and intermarry. Currently housed in Ravenclaw during her years at Hogwarts, she is very drawn to the study of psychology and determined to deepen her root in this field for she believes wizards and witches are mere humans with magical powers whom still need better understanding of themselves and others. She speaks Bahasa Indonesia, English, Chinese, currently learning French and Korean. Listening to music, reading, and traveling are her hobbies. She prefers cloudy and wet weather for it makes everything looks fine and polished.

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