Hi, my name is Karys Granger and I'm Captain and Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. My twin is Hermione Granger and we do everything together.
- Joined November 2016
- Member of Gryffindor
- 145 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
When me and my twin sister Hermione received our Hogwarts letters, we were delighted, and so were our parents! Coming from a muggle born family meant that we had never even heard of the Wizarding world, and so we were really excited to see what was to come. Soon after, we went to Diagon alley to purchase our new school things. We went to Madam Malkin's and bought new robes, and then we got all our books and all our Potions ingredients. We both agreed to read Hogwarts: A History before the term began so that we would know everything about our new school! After that we went to Ollivander's to get our wands. After trying a couple, I received a rowan wood and unicorn wand, and Hermione got a vine wood and dragon heartstring wand! Then, we went to get our pets. I bought a beautiful snowy owl and named her Marble, and Hermione bought a ginger cat and named him Crookshanks. When we got on the train, we met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, and we all soon became firm friends. Harry had never heard of the Wizarding world either, so Ron, who came from a long line of Wizards and Witches, filled us in on everything that we needed to know. In Diagon Alley, Harry had bought a snowy owl named Hedwig, and now she and Marble go hunting together every day, although Crookshanks and Ron's pet rat Scabbers don't get on as well! After the train journey, we were instructed by some Prefects, one of them being Ron's older brother Percy, to find the half giant Hagrid, who would take us by boat across to Hogwarts. The castle looked so beautiful lit up, and I couldn't wait to start my new life there. Then it was time to be sorted into our houses. I was one of the first to be sorted, so I was really nervous, especially when the Sorting Hat didn't know where to place me. He deliberated long and hard between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, and finally settled on the latter. I later learnt that because of the time it took the Sorting Hat to place me, I was what's know as a hat stall. It looked as though the Sorting Hat had the same problem with my twin Hermione, and I was beginning to get really anxious. What if she was sorted into a different house and we had to go about this journey alone? We had always done everything together! Thankfully it placed her in Gryffindor, and Ron and Harry joined us soon after, which was good, as it meant that we could continue our friendship. When I am not in class or studying, you will most likely find me down on the Quidditch pitch, as I'm Captain and Seeker for my team, despite being a first year. If I am not on the Quidditch pitch, I will be in the Gryffindor Common Room, playing either doing homework or playing Wizard's Chess or Exploding Snap with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. I can't stand people who judge you on your blood status: it makes me really mad! Coming from a muggle family, I haven't had much exposure to Wizarding careers, but my friends have been keeping me informed, and right now I like the sound of becoming an Auror, as it sounds exciting and I love adventure! It is also appealing as it is a job where you would actually do some good in the world, which I think would be useful right now more than anything.