

A random girl who doesn't know how she got here

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


No, I'm not half cat half human. Relax, their just fake cat ears I enjoy wearing. Hi! I'm Autumn and I strongly dislike (note that it doesn't say hate because who knows? If I said hate they'd probably feel bad, and I'd feel bad) people who ask stupid questions. I also strongly dislike rainy days, arrogant people (even thought my friends probably think I'm very arrogant), and bugs. I'm sorry if you hate me already, but if you hate me, then I'm free to hate you.
My parents are wizards posing as muggles (they own a chain of book stores) and they were absolutely thrilled when I got a letter to Hogwarts. Of course, they do have large deposits of money in Gringotts, but they really do quite enjoy living with muggles. Since I was a late bloomer (I didn't talk until I was 3), they were very protective of me. I have since convinced them I would never do anything illegal that could land me in jail. Anyway, attending Hogwarts is a dream! Unlike most of the students from wizarding families, my parents rarely ever used magic. I can finally associate with people at the same intellectual (intelligence for you not so bright people) level as me (muggles can be quite dull sometimes)...and some not quite there yet.

Patronus-Black and White Cat
Wand-Black Walnut wood with a Unicorn hair core 14 ½ inches and Unyielding flexibility
Hair Color-Well, I originally had my hair dyed purple, but since then it has faded to its natural brown color
Eye Color-Brown
Skin-My skin always comes of paler than it actually is, it's more of a light peach
Pet-A Russian Blue named Mel, A British Shorthair named Britt, A Siamese Cat named Winter(currently residing at home, she didn't take to Hogwarts too well), and A Barn Owl named Athena
B-day-December 21

Books Authored by Autumn

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