Pandora Hopewell


Hello! My name is Pandora. I love books, horses, and my cat, Mouse. My favorite class is charms, potions being a close second.

  • Joined November 2016
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 20 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was born and raised in America, receiving my Hogwarts acceptance letter on August First at age sixteen (I suppose International Owl Post is rather slow). I am muggleborn, so I had to wait for an escort to take me to Diagon Alley to get my wand, books, and things. The first stop was Gringott's to see if I had any inheritance from a wizard ancestor (which I did not).

So, without a knut to my name, I had to earn some galleons before even thinking about attending Hogwarts. I managed to get a job at Eeylop's Owl Emporium, working in exchange for room, board, and modest wages. This turned out to be very beneficial, as I  learned so much about the wizard world. I was in a book-sharing club, reading voraciously in my spare time, which was a small amount considering I also did odd jobs and errands for the local store owners. After working for three months, I was finally able to buy my books, wand (which is actually an interesting tale), and my Siberian cat, Mouse. Within three days, I arrived at Hogwarts to learn magic.

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