[No Name]


  • Joined September 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I'm muggle-born and I was raised like any other human/no-maj. I have always been able to grow flowers for my mum for mothers day, and by grow, i don't mean water with sunshine everyday, i mean i went outside, desperate for something to put her out of her bad mood and i saw a big dead bush and just as i was looking for flowers on it, i saw a tiny little blooming rose. it was being squashed by the dead leaves above it. I held it in my hands and right before my eyes i saw it bloom into a beautiful red rose. I've never told anyone because, well you've seen the movies, theres something unknown, you kill it. But i got this letter, thinking that my parents would shun me but no. They saved up, flew me here, bought all my books and i couldn't appreciate them more for accepting me and supporting me

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