[No Name]

Magical Creature Expert

  • Joined May 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I was always different from my family, you see, I have these special abilities that no normal witch or wizard has, I was just born with them, I won't go into detail about them, but they included speaking to animals. So of course, I when we found out I was a witch (I'm muggleborn) it was a relief to have an explanation for my strange abilities, but once I was at Hogwarts I still found that my powers were unlike the others. I had friends, but they didn't;t understand, they all wanted my amazing abilities, but they aren't as great as they seem. I started befriending animals more so than humans. I still have many human friends, but my animal friends would fill Newt Scamander's suitcase! Also I'm a geek! My list of fandoms is endless!

Books Authored by [No Name]

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