Jasmine Harding


  • Joined March 2016
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Hi my name is Jasmine. When I was 10 or 11 my dad made me read the Harry Potter books. I read them all through fourth grade and finished them through fifth. When I first started reading the first few chapters of the book I thought " Oh my god I can't believe I'm reading this!!!! Its SOOOOOOO boring! My dad must be crazy why should I care about a kid with an awful cousin. How could people possibly even like this book?" Then I got to the part where magic started coming in a bit, and I thought " Oh big deal. He can talk to snakes so what?" ( if you can't tell already I didn't want to read the series back then. Oh PS. I didn't find the whole talking to snakes thing all that impressive because I talk to cats all the time, and that is why my friend and I made a club. more about that later.) Then I got to the part where he was at Hogwarts then I was like " Ok this book is good." then I got to the end and was like " OH YEAH! YOU GO HARRY! That is how I started liking the series. I didn't really join the fandom however, until after reading the books. I tried to convince my friend Aziza to read the series but she still did not. Eventually my friend and I started a club called H.A.H.H ( Half Animal Half Human.) Part of the reason we are such good friend is because of HAHH. Now most people don't believe us but we really don't care. We enjoy life like anyone could and just have the added fun of HAHH. Anyhow after reading the Harry potter series I wanted to find more magic. So I read The Reckoners by Brandon Sanderson ( One of my favorite authors) and I liked that book but it didn't really have magic. SO I read the Mistborn series ( also by Brandon Sanderson) and I really liked it but it was not the magic I was looking for. I also read Percy Jackson and a little bit of the Kane Chronicles. All while discovering Wicca. Wicca was very interesting in the way that it wasn't Christianity. I have NOTHING against Christians hey my best friend is Christian but I tried Christianity and it was just not working out. So on goes with the Wicca study and such. Oh heres a funny quote I was talking about Wicca to my friend and so she says : " I hope you don't become a Wicca." : Face palms: ( she should have said Wiccan) I wanted to believe in the Wiccan religion I really did but I just could not. I must have a problem with religion in general. So than just recently I realized " Hey wait a sec, I don't have to believe in Wicca! I can be a witch anyway. Because there are witches that are not Wiccans I thought I could try that. So here I am now typing all of this thinking " you know what they probably don't care about wicca besides I came here to be immersed in Harry Potter not Wicca." so now I want to say I am a Huffelpuff and congrats to anyone who got through this whole thing! (P.S I want to be an author when I grow up.)

Books Authored by Jasmine Harding

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