Rose James

Minister of magic

  • Joined September 2015
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


Growing up, I had no friends. Until I came to Hogwarts. My first day, I realized I was on among a hundred first years. I could have my pick of friends. No one knew who I was. No one knew anything about me! I walked down the hallway eagerly awaiting to find out my new house, my new family members. As soon as professor McGonagall called my name, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't nervous all this time and suddenly it all seemed real. I was really here and I would really be learning magic at the best school in the entire world! As soon as the Hat was placed on my head, I expected it to yell Hufflepuff, I honestly truly did. I had even taken a few quizzes prior to my departure. Yet to my undeniable surprise, it yelled Gryffindor and I could hear clapping and cheering from the Gryffindor house as I took my seat next to a beautiful, obviously smart young woman who later introduced herself as Hermione Granger. That was when I met my best friend. The years went on. Harry, Ron and Hermione pulled a lot of dangerous stunts that I was usually involved in, but I was never interested in receiving credit for any of it, so I humbly refused any recognition by Mrs.Rowling. I somehow managed to get Outstanding on all my exams and to my surprise was offered the position of Minister of Magic, I didnt want to accept of course, I just wanted to be a Defense against the Dark Arts professor, but if it weren't me, it would be someone else. Perhaps someone more corrupted. And now, I want to refresh my memory so I'm back. Now that Harry has diffused most conflict and Voldemort is dead, I have some time on my hands.

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