James Marvolo Riddle

Magical Creature Expert

I feel a connection with the Dark Arts Of Magic. Love Astronomy and History. Nothing beats a Cup of Tea.

  • Joined January 2015
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 28 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I come from a pure blood family most from Gryffindor and Grandmother from Slytherin. So it has been hard for me, to adjust to a family almost full of Gryffindor's. I remember receiving my first Hogwarts Letter my grandmother and mother where so happy for me, they wanted me to follow the family tradition of pureblood. I remember when I was sorted to Slytherin I was mad at first and after the time moved on I knew why I was sorted in Slytherin, my grandmother helped me understand why I was sorted in Slytherin House. She thought me a lot of History of Magic and talked to me about the Dark Arts Of Magic, which I'm starting to feel a connection. I have also a Sibling named Suzanna in Hogwarts we are in the same House and she's an amazing wizard. Suzanna is a very wondeful person to have around. Slytherin is the right house for us only the people who know us can tell. My family has a very long story including an amazing wizard Tom Riddle. He was the special one with amazing gifts since little boy, the Marvolo has a big family tree.

MERLINS BEARD I FORGOT TO SAY! I love Beasts and Creatures and they are amazing; not so different from muggles. I really don't get along with most Gryffindors, because they think that they are the best house. Just be a humble wizard.

Dragons and other Magical Creatures are among us the dangerous and magical of creatures in the world, wizarding or otherwise. I was first intrigued by them when I was standing in Gregorovich’s wand shop and he handed me a wand made of Hornbeam and Dragon Heartstring. We took an immediate liking to each other, and it has been my friend ever since. She has saved my life more than once, that’s for sure! Dragons come in a variety of temperaments, and while they can be persuaded to tolerate a Witch or Wizard’s presence, their mood can be quite the fickle thing. I came pretty close to being toasted once, but my partner warned me just in time and I was able to apparate away. Splinched a fingernail too, but compared to what I’ve seen that’s nothing. I love Magical Creatures, I believe they just want to fit in this century. The way we wizards live is different and we should get to know them more. Magical Creatures are part of our nature we need to learn about them, and also to respect them. They mean no harm if you don't show respect to them. They love as much as we wizards do, and they feel defensive when someone invades their home; in meaning their nature. We are not so different from Magical Creatures when it comes to emotions.

Wand: Alder wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12 ¾" and Surprisingly Swishy flexibility
Birthday: September 18th
Patronus: Vole
Pets: Owl named Vibe, a snake named Zeus
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