Sophie A

Auror (YAASSS)

Hogy Warty Hogwarts

  • Joined October 2014
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Indonesia


So, I was sorted into Hufflepuff in my Hogwarts days. At first I was so freaking sad that i was sorted there, little did i know HUfflepuff is actually an AMAZING house and im GLAD the sorting hat sorted me there. I have a bestfriend and a cousin and they're both soerted into Gryffindor, so it was kinda hard for me at first, but i got over it. My bestfriend, Nafisa and I managed to meet whenever we can! in the library, field, or even the hospital wing! Luckly I didn't get bullied there. As I grew older, i've always wanted to be an Auror, everyone says that it's kinda odd for a Hufflepuff to be an Auror. But I believed in myself and Nafisa believed in me, and my role model Tonks, was a GREAT Auror :) At the end, i achieved my dream and became an Auror. YAYYYY! IM AN AUROR?! #PROUDOFMESELF.

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