August Ashton


august. they/them. 1st year. aspiring writer & kind person.

  • Joined September 2014
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 10 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


August was born in early winter on the west coast of the U.S. to a very large but detached and scattered family. They were raised mainly by their affectionate but conservative grandmother and distant, emotional father, never knowing their mother, who left when they were very young. While their mother's side of the family were all wizards, their father's side was all non-magical, so they grew up never knowing about the existence of magic. Strange things had happened around August since they were small: books would turn pages automatically while they read, the radio would start up and change stations on its own, and pencils would write by themselves to August's dictation. However, this went almost entirely unnoticed by both grandmother and father because anything unusual would stop in their presence, almost as if August subconsciously knew that it was unnatural and feared being found out. This went on until their 11 birthday, when they were offered a place at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Their father was receptive and open-minded, but their grandmother found it "freakish." This, along with certain other moral disagreements, caused August and their father to cut themselves off from her. After acquiring a wand from Shikoba Wolfe, August began their schooling at Ilvermorny, being offered a spot in both Thunderbird and Pukwudgie but ultimately choosing Pukwudgie. They spent their first three years at Ilvermorny, but due to their father's work, they moved to London just before 4th year began, and were thus transferred to Hogwarts.

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