- Joined August 2014
- Member of Ravenclaw
- 0 House Points
- 1st Year
It's not easy being in sixth year of Hogwarts, especially for Ravenclaws where everyone is expected to do great on exams. But I wouldn't want to be in any other house. I just love to learn, to know, to be an observer of the universe. So when I got my letter at age 11, I was just thrilled to know that there was even more of it. My parents, of course, were a bit bewildered. I come from a long line of muggles, and it took some getting use to. But now it's a natural part of our lives.There is a lot of pressure. I don't get straight O's, not at all, and tend to just study the things I find interesting. That means I have also kept my roots, and you will often find me with a muggle book on science, or just plain good old fiction. I read a lot.
My favorite classes, and therefore also those in which I excel, are Charms, Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures. The last perhaps comes from taking care of my cat, Newt, named after two amazing scientists from both worlds - Sir Isaac Newton and Newt Scamander.