- Joined July 2014
- Member of Slytherin
- 8 House Points
- 1st Year
United Kingdom
From a young age Rosalie had always been very confident. As a young child in preschool she had so many friends, and had a very happy child hood.In primary school she became a bit more independent and tomboyish. She wore clothes because they were comfy not because they were the prettiest or the girly-est. She used to be very clumsy and would often get hurt falling over which is one of the reasons that she doesn’t like playing sports.
When she got her Hogwarts letter she was thrilled. Her father took her to Diagon Ally to buy her books, robes and wand. She had always been aware of the magical world as her mother and father would read the daily prophet and listen to the wizarding radio however she had never been to anywhere in the wizarding world – so this trip to Diagon Ally was huge for her. Whist they were there her father told her all about the different houses and let her into all of the secrets he knew about Hogwarts.
When the time came to go to Hogwarts, Rosalie brought her cat Mimsie with her. The family adopted Mimsie as she was rescued and saved by her mum at her vet surgery but no one else wanted her. On the train journey Rosalie spent most of her time listening to muggle music on her IPod and didn’t really talk much – not because she was nervous but due to lack of people sitting with her in her seated part of the train.
When it came to the sorting ceremony, Rosalie had hoped she would be a Ravenclaw like her father, however she was sorted into Syltherin. To begin with, she hated being a Slytherin as she had heard bad roomers about that house. But when she started talking to people in her dorm and common room she found that there were many kind people there. Lots of the people she spoke to were very funny and kind – unlike what she had heard about the members of Slytherin.
As time went on and she made friends and Slytherin became her home. She would spend a lot of her time in the common room with her friends or cheering on her quidditch team.
Her favorite class is Astronomy. She had always enjoyed looking at the stars, so studying them became really enjoyable for Rosalie. Her favorite constellations are the Ursa Major and the Ursa Minor – the mythology behind these constellations is one of her favorite story’s that she learnt when she was younger.