Constantin Evans


Hi, Muns name is Nana, im 19, german, see backstory for info on Cons :D im open for some rp-ing, also w other chars mentioned (->roomates, Henry)

  • Joined May 2014
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


Constantin is a halfblood, his mother was a muggle and his dad was a pureblood originally from Norway, who came to England to avoid a family member that went mad while trying to find positive uses for black magic.
He was a pretty open kid and enjoyed playing little pranks, but he never found real friends on a muggle school, and also wasn't that invested in school work. When he went to Hogwarts, he was sorted into Ravenclaw almost immediately. He stayed a bit lazy, but found some great friends, namely the boys he shared a room with - Quintus (meist nur Quint genannt), Artemis (Art) and Matthew (Matt).
In the holidays from his fifth to six year the family member his father wanted to avoid found them and killed his parents. He kidnapped Cons, but after some time boy was able to cast a spell, which he wasn't allowed to do in the holidays since he wasn't a legal adult yet, and was rescued. Constatin can't remember much of what happened during the time he was in his crazy uncles clutches, and he figures it might be better.
He went to live with his mothers sister and her husband, but the whole incident changed him. He became more quiet and wasn't outgoing like before. Since he had to fight the aftermath it had on his mind, next to the memory loss anxiety, bad dreams, sleeping problems and panic attacks, he regulary visited the St. Mungos Hospital, where he visited Henry Warrington, a mindhealer (=basically magical therapist :D), and also started taking interest in becoming a healer himself. He soon excelled in all classes he needed for becoming a healer, even far exceeding the requirements for them, because he immersed himself in learning for his goal, but stayed uninterested and lazy in other classes.
After he finished school he got a learning position at the St. Mungos, but by now he is permanent staff. He has a special talent for potions, which are his preferred method for healing, but is very good at healing spells too.
He lives near the hospital now, but often stays the night there anyway. Cons still visits Henry and they are considering if he should try to get his memories back.
Constantin doesn't like flying, he gets sick as soon as his feet leave the ground. He doesn't even like watching it, so he's not a big fan of Quidditch, and he might even be a bit scared of it...

Oh, and his name might be Evans, but that was purely by chance and he has nothing to do w Lily or any of her family :D

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