- Joined April 2014
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 205 House Points
- 1st Year
(16-year old student) As I was practicing my D-flat minor scale on my rickety old piano who calls himself Alen, I heard a knock on the window of my practice room. A tiny, jet-black owl - no larger than a mug - tilted its head while carrying an envelope on its beak. "Why, you're such a cute thing," I cooed at the owl as I let it inside the room. The owl flew to the piano and dropped the envelope into my hands. I gasped as I saw the crest at the back of the envelope - THE Hogwarts' very own symbol! I let out a huge squeal that shocked the owl and made Alen grump in disgust. "Unbelievable! I can't wait to tell mom and dad after they got back from their concert tour!"Born into a family who can not pry themselves out of music, I was born with the strangest talents of all: I can play any musical instruments perfectly well, as I am able to converse with them. My mom is a gifted cellist who speaks thousands of languages, including Troll's, while my dad is, well, sort of a composer, who believed he could surpass the muggle Mozart. Mom's a pure-blood, while my dad is a half-blood. I may have a gift in arts, but being a zoologist also interests me. I hope by attending lots of courses in Hogwarts will help me set my future career.