I'm a halfblood- my mother is a healer in St.Mungo's and my father is a muggle Businessman. My wand is cypress wood, pheonix feather, 13 inches. Soy bonita! ;)
- Joined February 2025
- Member of Gryffindor
- 113 House Points
- 1st Year
if you stumbled across this, hi!
my name's Demelza, but u can call me Demi!!
also, i might not be soo active on HiH rn cuz my exams are going on..
abt me-
my bday- 23rd june (2008-2011)
Cancer is a water sign of the zodiac, and people with this sign are known for being emotinal, intuitive and nurturing. They are also known for being loyal, caring, and protective.
INFPs are known for their sensitivity – these personalities can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them. They are known to be extremely sentimental and nostalgic, often holding onto special keepsakes and memorabilia that brighten their days and fill their heart with joy.
House- I was put in gryffindawwr by the hat,
though I have all the four houses' traits...
let's just say that I'm in Ravendorpuffin!!
love - potions and DADA (im surprised the sorting hat didn't put me in slytherin!)
irl- athlete, plays basketball
singer-learning music , done a few shows
im not on any social media platforms (if you don't count pinterest and spotify!!)
if u wanna follow me u can message me!!!
friend list-
Marlee Potter- Omg!! She's like the best mentor one could have!! A rlly nice person!! I love how she's so outgoing and responsive!! tysm marlee!!!
Hazel Emory Antler- Godss!! I've found my twin!!! Jesus is reall!!!! I have talked to u like for 10 min and girll are u perfectt????? luv ur enthusiam and wholeness!!!!
SOME OTHERS- Ivy, Sara, Evony, Daphne, Kyra, Alicia, Isabelle, Jean, Lydia, Alannah,Ashta,Krish,Queen, Edith, Jerry!!!!
UR ALL GR8888!!!
I love all of those who are my friends here at HiH!!! Let's hope we create a strong bond!!!!
MY phobias- heights, isolation, small spaces, darkness, the list goes on and on and on.....
Also, tysm for reading all of this!!
If you want a break, watch this-