Artemisia Le Fay


  • Joined March 2024
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 138 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • India


Name: Artemisia Le Fay

Year: First Year

Wand: Ash wood with a dragon core heartstring 12 1/2" hard flexibility

Patronus: Hippogriff (I'm not kidding)

Appearance: Long black hair, black eyes, olive skin

Birthplace: India

Can I trust you to keep a secret?

See, it has been widely accepted by now that I am the hidden daughter of the (in)famous Le Fay family owing to my family name (honestly, has no one heard of a name change??). So, after all these years of pretending to be part of royalty, I have decided to come clean. But, of course, I can't do that in front of all my delightful housemates, or else you'd have to come dig up my body. So, let's spill the tea, shall we?

First things first, no I am not in any way related to the Le Fays--the line died out centuries ago!! How people believe in this is utterly insane. I am as muggleborn as they come--no secret inheritence. No uber powerful father who fought on the wrong side. Or mother. The only parents I have are an extremely supportive and nice mother who is extremely kind and did I mention supportive? And an extraordinarily deadbeat dad. We live in India.

The only reason I am attending Hogwarts is I caused a pretty major accident in London's shopping district while I was out with my mother on vacation. It caught the eye of the authorities and since I was just two weeks shy of my eleventh birthday, they decided to explain everything right then and there. My sweet, lovely mother of course, supported me in everything while all my dad cared about is whether it would cost any money. 

So, anyway, here I am at Hogwarts thinking of all the friends I had left behind along with my mother and her awesome cooking when the Sorting Hat, out of the blue, sorts me into Slytherin??????

Like, what is going on? Anyway, my housemates notice my surname and do NOT believe all they tell you about how pureblood-ism isn't there in Slytherin because there absolutely is. Anyway, all the fragile hopes I had of making a friend is dashed since my own housemates hated me and other houses would rather drink poison than wish me a good morning. 

So, I decided, fine. I don't care. But I didn't want it affecting me, which it was doing. So, I came up with the ingenious idea of telling them that I was actually a Le Fay. Owing to my surname, people can't really look up whether a Le Fay actually married into my family (I'm sure they didn't)

I was so, so sure I had committed a major mistake and I would become minced meat by the end of my grand lecture. People believed me??? They always thought that no muggleborn could be sorted into Slytherin (which...why??????? Do we not have ambition???????? Do only rich bad boys and pampered princesses have ambition????) And this seemed like a confirmation.

So, now, I am the last heiress to a long-lost line just to make my life at Hogwarts slightly more bearable. Hey! At least they have stopped with the pranks-so-lethal-they-could-actually-kill-you!!

*sighs* Oh well, just six more years of this hell before I'm out.

I will be signing off with a famous line:

"Everybody lies" -- Dr. House (House MD)

Books Authored by Artemisia Le Fay

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