"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
- Joined November 2023
- Member of Gryffindor
- 37 House Points
- 1st Year
Wand: Larch wood with unicorn hair core, 10 3/4 and unbending flexibility
Patronus: Black Swan
Blood status: pure blood
When I sat down on the crutch in the great hall, the sorting hat had a hard time placing me. He told me I was clever, daring, hardworking AND ambitious. After a while he said my daring side felt the strongest and so I got sorted into gryffindor, which -when I heard Ravenclaws had to answer a riddle every time they wanted to enter the common room- I was happy about. I'm a pureblood wizard as you could've derived from my last name. Although before Hogwarts I wasn't very familiar with magic since my parents decided to live in a boring muggle town where nothing ever happened. They only used magic ever so often and never told me about quidditch which I still can't forgive them for. When I watched a school quidditch game for the first time, I immmediately knew I wanted to join. So I came to the tryouts and got in the team as a chaser, which led to me liking quidditch even more. I went to the quidditch world cup rooting for Ireland, although I can't deny Krum is an amazing seeker.
My favourite classes so far are care of magical creatures, defence against the dark arts, potions and obviously flying class. When I graduate from Hogwarts I'm planning on becoming an Auror, magizoologist or a professional quidditch player. The choice is not clear yet but I still have enough time to think. I enjoy spending my free time practicing quidditch, playing sports in general, reading books, exploring new places and studying my favourite subjects. I am always excited to learn new things and experience new adventures.
'Have fun even if it's not the same kind of fun everyone else is having.' -C.S Lewis-