Gwendolyn Hucksbury


I am a bright young Gryffindor who was almost placed in Ravenclaw due to my wits, but ended up being sorted into Gryffindor for my Courage in handling T1D.

  • Joined July 2023
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 20 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I've always been exceptionally bright. Unfortunately for everybody else around me, my Queerness dimmed my light - at least in their eyes. I finally know my worth; I am attractive whether I dress Masc or Femme, and my family loves and accepts me. I don't have to come out to anyone I don't want to. It's my secret to tell or not. 

I love writing and reading or watching anything with "The Gays" in it, and I'm especially proficient in Language arts, Potions, and Charms. I absolutely love Butterbeer iced or hot - it has no consequence which one, since it's too delicious to turn down anyway. 

I struggle a tad with ADHD, OCD, being a Highly Sensitive Person (and an Empath), and more recently being sort of diagnosed by my therapist as having SSD, or Sensory Seeking Disorder. I'm constantly fidgeting, tapping my foot to whatever song is in my head - I'm a bit of a music snob, I have to admit - or bouncing on the balls of my feet. I tend to be socially anxious around crowds and people I'm not familiar with, but I let my full, loud self out when I'm with friends. 

I love colourful makeup, whether I'm dressed Femme or Masc or somewhere in-between, and I just can't stop myself from adding a tad of green eyeliner to my makeup looks during the summer months - I mean, It's my favourite colour!

I have Type 1 Diabetes, which means something unexpected went wrong with my Immune System and it started attacking the cells in my Pancreas that creat insulin, a hormone that helps the body process carbohydrates, which are one of the body's sources of energy. I was diagnosed around 2016 and it was certainly rough, but I've only become a stronger, better - if not sometimes forgetful of my carb intake - person because of it. 

I'm about to start my Theatre education at a Muggle Arts School and I can't wait. 

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