Lilith Ganymede


  • Joined May 2023
  • Member of Ravenclaw
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


I saw my first dragon when I was ten years old. I had been gifted a book on different dragon breeds for my birthday, and the first picture in it was an image of a Hungarian Horntail, roaring and unleashing a cloud of fire from its maw. I was immediately enraptured. After rereading that book three times in two weeks, I decided, almost a year before I was even admitted to Hogwarts, what I wanted to do after graduation: I was going to be a Dragonologist. My parents never fully approved, though I suppose they knew better to try and dissuade me. I lived and breathed dragons for the next seven years. I would even eventually get a Hungarian Horntail tatooed across my back a week after coming of age. A week after my graduation, having spent years studying every scale and fang of every breed I could, I was off to a dragon reserve in Romania. In the years since, my fascination with dragons hasn't diminished, despite a series of close calls and narrow escapes from being turned into ash. 

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