Erica Wolfe


  • Joined February 2023
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 31 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I was born a Pure-blood to Freya and Jeremy Wolfe and have 2 older siblings; a brother named Derek and his twin sister Salem, whom you may already know if you know my family. It will come as no surprise that I got sorted into Slytherin however I was surprisingly a Hatstall. The hat kept jumping between Gryffindor and Slytherin but eventually stuck with me being in Slytherin. I currently have a male Black Racer Snake called Shadow and a Blue Pit Viper named Bolt. When they eventually pass I want to get an Owl or another Snake but I haven,'t decided yet. My greatest strength either Defence Against the Dark Arts or Potions but personality wise I would say is my Determintion and or my confidence. To contridict that, I would say that my confidence and determination can also be my greatest weaknesses and the fact that I overthink absolutely everything. I don't think I have a weakest class to be honest. I'd say I'm doing alright with all my classes at the moment but expect an update if that changes.

Books Authored by Erica Wolfe

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