Fionn O'Gorman

Your Character

I'm a magical Irish leprechaun! Just kidding, kinda. I am Irish. And I am magical. I'm not a leprechaun, though (I wish!)

  • Joined January 2023
  • Member of Hufflepuff
  • 451 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Ireland


I was born to an old Irish wizarding family on the 27th of September, 2012. My earliest memories are my mother and father, Theresa and Kieran, telling me all about the wonderful adventures they shared together during their time as students at Hogwarts. My mother was an outstanding Chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team for two years, and my father was Head Boy in 2005! I could only hope to achieve as much as them while I study at Hogwarts. 

I left Ireland on the first day of August in 2022 to move to the UK to live with my grandmother and attend Hogwarts. She brought me to Diagon Alley where I bought all my school supplies and even got myself a beautiful ginger cat that I've called Pebbles, because she sees to grow attached to a particular pebble as we were walking down the streets of Diagon Alley; she was flicking it around with her paw and even attempted to swallow it, though thankfully she spat it back out and began to beat it with her tail, almost as if she was angry with it for not allowing her to digest it. 

I got sorted into Hufflepuff, which I am very happy about as my entire family were Hufflepuffs, too! (except for my nasty uncle Ted, but we don't talk about him). I am really excited to study Transfiguration and Flying, as I would love to be able to show off my awesome transfiguration skills to my friends, and I would love to impress my mother with my amazing flying skills when I return to Ireland in the Summer. I am not looking forward to potions. It would be handy to know some essential potion recipes, but I imagine it will be a tough subject with hours of study to be done, and I'm not sure I will be too good at it. 

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