"But as she was leaving, it felt like breathing."
- Joined January 2023
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 93 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Name: camilla santos
Aesthetic: y2k
Appearance: curly brown long hair, brown eyes, dark skin
Height: 5'7
Personality: determined, perseverent, independent, passionate, assertive, confident, kind
Birthday: june 17th
House: hufflepuff
Year: 1st Year
Status: Pure-Blood
Wand: Acacia wood w/ phoenix feather core, 13", quite flexible
Patronus: TBD
Family: mother: emily santos (deceased) father: enrique santos
-write more than just one liners please!
-say your oc's name at least once in every other reply, it's hard to keep track of everyone!!
-give me time to respond to owls please, i'm busy outside of hih <3
-help write the action and romance (if applicable), it's difficult to come up with things by yourself so please help! :)
- i dont' have any triggers so feel free to use wtv ur comfy with!!