- Joined August 2022
- Member of Hufflepuff
- 82 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Backstory? Nah, not yet.
Description: Tall, rather pale young man with mildly broad shoulders, and slight muscles. Standing at about 5"10, he has a rather awkward stature about him, making him constantly look out of place. His face was pretty average, with freckles scattered about his complexion and two big blue eyes whos larger pupils and knit brows made him look kind, as well as nervous. His reddish brown hair was scattered about in a way that implyed he just woke up moments ago. Blond hilights framed his face.
Wand: Willow wood with a Phoenix core, 13" and quite bendy
Patronus: Silver Fox
Status: Muggle Born
Pet: A small black cat with emerald eyes. He brings her with him anytime he gets the chance. Her name is Milo.
Amortentia: Coffee, Books, Flowers, Rainstorms, Fresh Laundry, Animals, New Shoes
Im writing a book! Check out what I've got so far HERE> https://www.hogwartsishere.com/library/authored/#:~:text=Reads-,The%20Underground,-by%20Kayde%20Bright