I am Cyra Riddle. Tarnish the names of my parents and I will not hesitate to use any of the Unforgivable Curses.
- Joined May 2022
- Member of Slytherin
- 52 House Points
- 1st Year
United States
Nobody knew my secret. If they did, I'd be expelled without hesitation. Should that happen, Father would kill me. Literally. But, dear diary, I can intrust you will all my secrets as long as none of my dorm-mates see. I am the 12 year old daughter of Lord Voldemort himself, and I am in the Hogwarts house of Slytherin. I've made a few friends, a boy by the name of Draco Malfoy, and a girl in Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood. I can't let Father know, or else he'll dispose of them. Potions is my favorite class here. The concept of combinding different things to get a new concoction. Father says that soon, I have to become a death eater in order to prove my loyalty for him. But after speding time with the people at Hogwarts... I'm not sure if I want to go through with it. I must honor my Father's legacy and I am sworn to follow in his footsteps. I cannot lie to him. Since I have made a promise to him, I shall go extreme lengths to fulfill it. Enemies of the Heir, beware. Nobody shall tarnish the name of Tom Marvolo Riddle or Bellatrix Lestrange and strut away with all their limbs.
Dear Diary,
Remember the boy I said was in my house, Draco Malfoy? Turns out he's my cousin. He and his friends, Crabbe and Goyle were poking fun of me, until Draco realized who I was and called them off. We struck up a conversation and an alliance. We've been hanging out more and more. He's introduced me to this girl in our house, Pansy Parkinson. The three of us have been studying Potions and Magical Transportation together.
Quick Facts on Natasha L. Riddle:
Wand: 12.5", Poplar Wood, Dragon Heartstring core, ridgd flexibility.
Patronus: Black Mamba
Boggart: Anyone she cares about disapproving her
Mirror of Erised: Her parents and siblings being a happy family.
Mother: Bellatrix Lestrange
Father: The Dark Lord
Parceltongue: Yes
Favorite things: Potions, jokes, snakes, sweets, pranks, H.o.M, being rebellious, going on adventures