Daisy-May Whitley Zabini

"Me Necesita."

"I wanna Party, I wanna Samba, I wanna Party and Fly."

  • Joined May 2022
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


**Warning I’m on my Pc so I might not be able to be on a lot okay!!**

Hello, I’m Daisy-May Zabini and I’m Blaise Daughter. Nice to meet you all!! I hope you take good care of me while I’m here!! I love Cute or Sweet things as I’m a very Bubbly and kind girl even though my house is Slytherin. Just because I’m nice and sweet doesn’t mean I won’t harm anybody as I use that to mean to me okay!!!



My Oc’s

**Click me to see my Oc's!!**



My Aesthetic!

[That’s my Stuffie!!]



Now here Are My RULES for Rp!!


  1. Please give me time:Reason Being is because I might be busy with stuff outside of HiH and can't get on my device at the moment or I’m just plain and simple Busy so please give me time as I will also give you time as well so it goes both ways!!

  2.  Please Don’t SPAM: I understand it gets annoying when people don’t reply but please do understand people can be really busy with some outside of HiH as people do have lives and can’t be on the site like most can 24/7 okay so please be kind and patient with me and if you can’t simply don’t follow me or don’t be friends with me as I can get very annoyed and mean if pushed to far okay this is the **ONLY WARNING HEAD TO IT.**

  3. Don’t God Mod: Reason being is that it’s really annoying when a character can’t die [Unless it’s like for an Anime Rp like MHA for a Quirk] please then keep in mind okay!

  4. If for Some Reason you OWLS aren’t working let me know and I can create either A group for our Rp can also do Discord or Quotev or Email, whichever it may be for us to do the Rp!!! [Also I will be putting all my Info after my RULES!!]

  5. If I don’t RESPOND: Just shoot me an OWL or POST on my WALL and I will get back with you Shortly okay, please Do remember it’s not just you I’m RolePlaying with okay!!

  6. Have FUN WITH THE Rp: don’t let me carry all the weight of making thing’s interesting okay if you want to have your input go ahead as it is a Rp and since Rp has no limmits use anything you’d like [Within reason of course!!]



Now here is some info about my Family!

[For Rp Purposes] 

Dad: Blaise Zabini

Papa: Draco Zabini

[Yes I have two gay dad’s now shut up about it!]

Brother: Lucas Zabini

[Sweet baby brother]

Sister: Elizabeth May Zabini 

[Annoying little sister ugh!]


Now some info about me!

[Rp use Only]


For My age: I’m 16 and I’m in my 5th year at hogwarts

Birthday: August 22nd  2006


Amortentia: Honey Dew, Green Apples, HoneySuckle flowers, and Paper/Ink

Boggart: Snakes[ Ironic enough since I’m in Slytherin]

Patronus: Hedgehog

Mirror of Erised:Having fun in the summer with my papa and dad.


Now here are My FANDOMS!


Harry Potter

The Witcher

Stranger Things


Until Dawn

Chronicles of Narnia


Walking Dead

The Last Kingdom

Pirates of the Caribbean

Here are my Muggle Rp’s

Enemies to Lovers

Friends to Lovers

Lovers to Enemies

Student x Teacher

Mother x Daughter

Father x Daughter

Father x Son

Brother x Brother

Sister x Sister

Sister x Sister

Next door Neighbor x son

Next door Neighbor x daughter

[I love forbidden Rp’s the most as they seem to be more Interesting!]



My theme Songs:


  1. Killing Kind- Marianas Trench 

  2. Killing Butterflies- Lewis Blisset




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