

  • Joined November 2021
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 15 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United States


This is my backstory, I was a child of Ron Weasley And Hermione Granger My Uncle Is Harry Potter And My Aunt Is Ginny Weasley. My Full name is Kristian Weasley I didn't get a Middle name. I am the favorite child i have one brother and one sister Hugo is my brother and Rose Is My Sister. My parents always talked about their adventures at Hogwarts and hoped I will do the same with My Cousins. My First year at Hogwarts My Best friend Was Albus Serverus Potter I had other friends that were my cousins but Albus is my favorite. I learned Defense Against The Dark Arts which was my favorite Class! The first couple Of spells I learned in Charms class were Lumos, Nox, and Wingardium Leviosa. My mom told me if someone messes up saying Wingardium Leviosa To tell them what my mom told my dad Which I ended up telling my brother. She told me to say, "Its LeviOsa not Leviosaa". Which my dad constantly laughed about when we brought it up! I became the Seeker in Quidditch Like My Uncle Harry and..... CAUGHT THE SNITCH FIRST TRY! So I Was so excited and I caught it in my elbow somehow. My Aunt, Uncle, Mom, and my dad told me to try to become friends with Ted Tonks Because His Mother and Father Were Friends Of My Parents and Uncle and Aunt. They told me His Parents Died In the Battle Of Hogwarts and My Aunt Ginny Told me About How Harry Fought Voldemort always at Hogwarts in any way possible! After Quidditch I Ran into this student called Scorpius Malfoy and he was A Friend Of My Cousin Albus's So I became friends with him since my Uncle and Scorpius's Father Draco Started Working together. Then after a long day of my first day I went to the Gryffindor Common Room And Slept As it was almost midnight. So thats my Backstory, hope you enjoyed!

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